XC Bike Trip: Oregon to Virginia

Most of my life has been spent working towards something: high school and college degrees, fulfilling my commitment to Teach for America and the Rotary Scholarship program, completion of my JP Morgan analyst tenure. I've been fortunate to have been provided these many wonderful opportunities and to have met some of the most amazing people along the way. There has been pain, joy, triumph, and defeat. Looking back, I have the utmost appreciation of these moments and wouldn't change a single one.

What needs to change, however, is my perspective. I need to spend a little less time on figuring out how to get where I’m going and a little more on why I want to go there, all the while giving a greater admiration to those things that make life special along the way. As one adventure ends and a new one begins, I look forward to new challenges, emotions, and individuals it will bring with it. Here’s to the journey!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Video Killed the Radio Blog

Ok, so this blog actually has no affiliation with a radio, but I will never apologize for somehow fitting the Buggles into my misadventures.

As I figured both readers and writer alike would enjoy a break from my long-winded memoirs, I thought now might be a good time to share a few of my favorite commercials from down here.

A Few Quick Notes:
1) I'm quitting my job. I've already put in my two weeks and will be finishing up this week. As much as I hate to quit things, I found the work environment turning me into someone I'm not and thought it better for everyone if we parted ways. An added bonus is that you don't have to hear me gripe about that anymore.

2) There will be no Random Thought of the Week this week, as the argentine commercials I am supplying will cover that aspect completely.

3) For those of you disheartened in the lack of reader material this week, I can only apologize and offer a few quick reads as something to tide you over 'til next week: Don Quixote, War and Peace, or Atlas Shrugged.


Both clever and cute. The thing I love most about this commercial is the song. The artist is Aselin Debeson. I haven't really listened to much of her other stuff (there's not much) and this song was, I believe, actually just recorded for the commercial (my empirical evidence being it's only a little over a minute).


I guess the recurring theme is the music in these commercials, though the dancing is also worth noting here (as it resembles my own). The creepy guy in the background is kind of funny too. The most ridiculous part is that there is absolutely no connection between the commercial and the product/service being offered. For those of you without a Spanish tongue, please take a second to guess then check out the answer (at the bottom of this post).


Another one that I essentially like because of the song...there's just something about it. Kind of chuckle-worthy too. Unfortunately this song was also made just for the commercial, but it is based off of "Elephant Gun" by the band Beirut. That song, and their Postcards from Italy are both great so check them out if you get a chance.


I'm assuming this one probably aired in the US but figured I'd share it anyway. A great collection of olympics clips put to this song makes for an amazing commercial. More than anything, I think it really summarizes the duality of the olympic spirit: nations competing in sports instead of conflicts and courage through competition.

ANSWER: A fixed-time period mortgage.

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